📄️ ActivityIndicator
An extension of the React Native ActivityIndicator component with extension of visible and label props.
📄️ Avatar
Component to show an image, initials or icon with different shapes.
📄️ Button
Button component with Pressable as container, and supports full customization with different props.
📄️ Checkbox
📄️ Icon
It's an extension and accumulation of the react-native-vector-icons library along with all it's family group support.
📄️ Modal
📄️ MultiSelect
MultiSelect picker component for primitive and list of objects.
📄️ Popover
A popover component that will be shown relative to the target position.
📄️ Select
Single Select picker component for primitive and list of objects.
📄️ Tooltip
Tooltip component show some extra hint info
📄️ Radio
📄️ SearchInput
A Search component with debouncing support, internally it extends the TextInput and it's all props.
📄️ Switch
A custom switch with label, caption & error fields props.
📄️ Text
📄️ TextInput